Garden Snapshots

Garden photos worthy of sharing.

Discovering volunteers growing in the garden always makes me smile. I found this Popcorn Cassia, Senna (=Cassiadidymobotrya volunteer growing in a bed and decided to leave it. I’m glad I did as its bloom was beautiful.

Looks like your standard southern California or Central Florida garden…however, this image is from The South Carolina Botanical Garden (SCBG). We had a great time hiking the trails at this garden.

Archontophoenix purpurea, the purple king palm showing lots of purple in the garden.

Chambeyronia macrocarpa, the “Flame Thrower” palm really showing its new leaf red. This red fades to green over several weeks. The flamethrower is slow growing, when these new red fronds open it’s a treat.

Look at this large gator we came across on an airboat ride at Camp Holly, west of Melbourne, Florida.

McKee Botanical Garden in Vero Beach. Run boys, run!

This Coryphya utan is gigantic. Took this photo outside Action Theory Nursery in Goulds, Florida.

What a surprise! Found this variegated Veitchia winin growing with my other winin. As this palm has grown, each new frond has some variegation. Is this called a foxy lady if the seed is from the Veitchia? Normally the Foxtail palm would be the mother (seed setting palm), and the Veitchia would supply the pollen.

Found this awesome Green Anole lizard on my Red Spicata coconut palm. The Brown Anole’s are usually all we encounter in our yard.

Our Cocos nucifera, Panama Tall is loaded with coconuts. At one time we had nine Panama Tall’s in our yard, we removed seven due to falling fronds and coconuts. I collected the coconut seeds in 2010 from Islamorada, Florida. Germinated and planted out in 2012. The old saying, “Nothing in life is free.” My free coconuts grew for 10 years, accumulating 30′ of trunk cost me over $2k to remove.

We fared well in comparison to residents in SW Florida. That being said, we had the eye of Hurricane Ian exit Brevard County and the norther eye wall of Hurricane Nicole make landfall in our area.